Monday, March 21, 2011

Wow A Blog Post Its Been a While

for images follow links nudes under black and white work 

So when i saw this i immediately thought of the work that Karla is doing for the book project. the way his figures compose both the positive and negative space is beautiful. I really don't like to write down my thoughts but, i'm trying to put it down . these photographs remind me of the Edward Weston photograph just in the sense of lighting. I think Simon Chaput make the form look like a human form as for Weston's forms they look cold and dead almost vegetable like.

I cant really explain my fascination with the nude figure. Sounds odd but there is something about a nude beauty shot that just peaks my interest. I think there are so many ways to make a nude shoot unique. so many people use the nude form in different ways many abstract the form other exaggerate its beauty regardless of how you shoot a nude it is you own and Joseph Cartright definately makes the nude form his own.

Monday, February 7, 2011


  This is Todd Hido's new work. It hasn't been published and it looks like the work of a video voyeur. The article says "the work seems to come into existence through the eye's of a smeared-single-pane-window voyeuristic fog. It is the adult-white-male fog of childhood memories, and the mental hot-iron-branding of broken families, divorced parents, alcohol, abuse... of 1970's vinyl feelings and plastic textures, popcorn ceilings and paneled-walls." These photo's a very washed out and muted in color. That quality adds to the cold vulnerable feeling these women have in common. This work is something I think I want to emulate.

Follow Me to wonderland

Monday, January 31, 2011


Stephen Shore's photography is so amazing that I can't find an image that i don't think is successful.
 the composition is amazing! there  are things that make this image interesting for instance the two cars driving past the alignment of them.

 i like this image because of how the clouds and the bill board are aligned so greatly ! the colors work to this images advantage
This image is weirdly cool and warm at the same time.Its has the warmth of the summer sun and the coolness is that of subject cold pose.

Monday, January 17, 2011

William Eggleston

So when looking for photographs by William Eggleston!
I decided to find images that I thought were beautiful examples of his work not even my favorite images. I found images that I think represent an excellent example of color not so much the composition. Images two and four would look just as great in black and white. the other two images would not really have a point. the thing about the freezer image would just be so boring without the color. I feel that image is made by his use of color. i love that his use of desaturated color. He has a magnificent way of using the relationship in colors. all of these images are magnificent examples of the use of light and color.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Oh the End has Come

It is the last day of Our photo two blogs and I'm going to show you who and what inspired me to be a Photographer. Her name is ANNIE LEIBOVITS!!
I say photography is the truth... but she say " the photograph is a note or a letter from that moment; it is not the Truth, The truth is the moment the photograph is made!"
When she began her work with Rolling Stone she was still learning how the world of photography. I think what inspires me most about Leibovits is that when she photographs someone she wanted to live how they live and get to know them completely. Truly amazing photographs are made when people let their guard down. Something I didn't know was that the photograph of John Lennon and Yoko Ono would be the last photograph of John Lennon's Life.She creates photos that last a lifetime.
When creating a photograph I want to have my subject be completely open to the photo... that to me means Flaws and All ! I want my subject to not even notice my presence I want to be able to just photograph!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christian Marclay

Christian Marclay is a composer and he also photographs "sound" i honestly don like any of his work besides these particular pieces. Marclay here uses album art to illustrate sound. This work is an example of  unconventional Juxtaposition !!Juxtaposition by Webster's definition means the act or an instance of placing two or more things side by side; also : the state of being so placed! therefore my point is whether it is a conventional or it is a non conventional way of using it it is JUXTAPOSITION :)
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Monday, November 22, 2010

Brainstorm ..... Juxtaposition

This first image is by Marcus Bain. He demonstrates juxtaposition by using two opposites. He uses black oil based ink and water in a cheap fish bowl on a white piece of card. I believe this is a comparison and contrast of the texture, color and function of the two liquids in one single image.
 This image is by Landon Michaelson, first and foremost this image and composition altogether is amazing. This is a juxtaposition image of a father and daughter. Which gives the difference in sex as well as a difference in age. this also shows the difference of texture in their skin.
Landon Michaelson and Marcus Bain
Beauty in an image. This is an excellent example of juxtaposition because of the composition . This is an example of order and disorder. Everything about this woman is perfect and then you notice the background and you see the imperfection. Which i believe could be used as a completely different interpretation of this image. oh and this is by Jenny Sun...
Created not even realizing the juxtaposition. This amazing image is to me man-made versus natural. I say that because human beings are a natural part of the planet and cars are not. It is also and example of many versus one and comparison of numbers. Photo by: Filip Bodgan.
 This is an example of juxtaposition using a wide angle lens can create.It is another example of man-made versus natural as well as curves straight lines. I think the lines and curves create a very interesting focal point. The rectangular buildings at the bottom of the composition keeps you grounded while every other building makes your eyes focus on the center of the sky. photo by:Carsten Ranke

This amazing image is to me man-made versus natural. The simplicity of the image creates a feeling of being in that place at that time and this would not technically be consider man- made but it is a built thing so I'm calling it man-made. Shot by: Jan Lakey
This is by the great Abelardo Morell . The use of an exterior inside of an interior is a juxtaposition in itself. The busy atmosphere of New York inside of an environment where you are supposed to have a calm peaceful place to be.

Placement is the juxtaposition. A chair is somewhere people sit not where people put there shoes. The focus of this image is the backs of the shoes mimic the curves of shoulders. this image is by:  Joe Elario
 This is an example of selection in focus. The babies feet are in focus in one image. The babies faces are in focus in the other. The way the tones are mimicked in each area where the focal point is makes the image more interesting. I believe Johanna McShan made excellent choices for this image.

Audrey And Lili created a very inspiring image. The way the use two images and split the image's focus from her face to the other image through the placement of glance is awesome.

My Interpretation

My Interpretation of Juxtapostion will be shown with comparisons of size, emotion, and texture. I may interpret these things using people. Some comparisons I thought would apply to my subject matter and chosen terms are : Old/New I would photograph a child's face and then proceed to photograph and adults face; Happy / Sad - with a happy event like a family dinner, with a sad event like a solo person in a grave yard; focused/ not focused - use focus on two different areas of the same person; large/ small take a photograph of a tall or overweight person in comparison to a short or very thin person. Man/ Women self explanitory but can be interpreted as a woman's body to a mans body or a woman face/man face. Natural/Manmade- someone with tons of make up and someone with out; Wet/Dry- Photograph someones skin that has water droplets all over it and then someones skin that is dry and cracked. Curves/ Strengthen photograph someone that has a very curvy body type versus someone with a very straight body. Up/Down - Someone looking up, someone looking down, one someone jumping up someone looking down, or some one jumping up, someone crouched down; Oil/ Water Someone using oil paint. someone using gouche; Pain/ Pleasure - someone in a hospital bed, some one at a party; Tight/ Loose - Someone in really tight Jeans and then someone with clothes that are oversize.